On Thursday 26 August 2010 19:34:04 Philipp wrote:
> Hi,
> I have issues with jack client names that contain whitespaces.
> Example:
> $ jack_connect MPlayer [19079]:out_0 system:playback_2
> ERROR [19079]:out_0 not a valid port
> Any idea how I can make this work? I tried:
> $ jack_connect "MPlayer [19079]:out_0" "system:playback_2"
> ERROR MPlayer [19079]:out_0 not a valid port
> $ jack_connect 'MPlayer [19079]:out_0' 'system:playback_2'
> ERROR MPlayer [19079]:out_0 not a valid port
> So I wonder whether spaces in jack client names and ports are even
> allowed, since imho jack_connect is a rather fundamental tool, and
> either the tool or those clients are broken.

Do you need to escape the space?


"The backslash in the string USB\ Device:1 is an escape character. When 
interpreted on execution, the character following the escape character (here 
whitespace, wich happened to be part of the device name listed by aconnect) 
will loose its special function as a seperator. An other option would be to 
use quoting and write

aconnect 'USB Device':1 aeolus:0

Read more about quoting here if you want."

all the best,

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