Alsa Modular,
is this one still under development??
I never have tested it and never saw a UI that I could use to controll
it with external USB controllers.
I'll check that ....

regards, saschas

2011/1/2 Julien Claassen <>:
> Hello Sascha!
>  I'm not good at coding at all, but I think a more useable framework for a
> softsynth, if you like to build it with an existing one, might be bristol.
> Bristol is a synth emulator. It has a couple of synths already. But it might
> not suffer, having a new filter or different oscillator in it, if Nick is OK
> with that. The synths it emulates, are basically built from the components
> (filters, oscs, etc.), that are in the engine. Then they are connected in a
> particular way and get a GUI/CLI put on top of them. Bristol has, what I
> would call MIDI learning. You can easily assing MIDI controls to controls of
> the currently loaded synth and I think you can save them as well. Have a
> look at his site:
>  The sweet thing about using this would be, that you have to implement the
> new components and then there is an API - so I believe - for relatively
> easily constructing the connections and the <UIs. I know only of the textUI,
> which is very clever and helpful!
>  Kindly yours
>         julien
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