On January 27, 2011 11:08:30 am Paul Davis wrote:
> ...
> while i admire what you are trying to do with OOM/OOM2, the forking of
> an existing, well-known project, without any attribution whatsoever,
> or even acknowledgement of the fork, is troubling to say the least.

It is not troubling at all. And completely in accord with licenses, the only 
real thing that matters.

> if you had done this with ardour, i'd be raising bloody hell about it.

And you would have no right to say anything actually as long as the license 
was adhered to. Any complaint that has nothing to do with licenses is just 
moralizing. I think we can all do without any of that noise, thank you.

Nobody has to thank you for your work. They might, but it is not required.
Since you choose to put it out as FOSS this is exactly what you have agreed 

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