2011/2/22 David Robillard <d...@drobilla.net>:
> On Tue, 2011-02-22 at 04:52 +0000, Jeremy Salwen wrote:
> [...]
>> Hi David,
>> As a plugin developer, I'm very much looking forward to this,
>> especially since I proposed something similar to this a bit ago
>> (http://www.opensubscriber.com/message/linux-audio-dev@lists.linuxaudio.org/14098999.html
>>  :)   But the fact that you're capable and willing to implement this 
>> solution means a lot more than my confused half-baked ideas.  I look forward 
>> to the day when embedding and cross-toolkitedness walk hand in hand.
> Right, what you describe here is more or less what I am getting at (it's
> come up several times in the past), except rather than bundling it with
> every UI (which is copy-paste code reuse and all sorts of nuisance
> waiting to happen), I think it should just be a normal system library
> that hosts can use to do the job.
> We generally have the philosophy that if there is a choice, complexity
> does not belong in the plugin (or UI). Putting the complexity in the
> plugin is bad bad bad, plugins should be small and easy to write. In
> this case, a plugin UI should just implement and expose its widget -
> dealing with that widget is the host's problem.
> In this case, we have a tricky enough complexity that we don't want it
> duplicated in all the hosts either, so a library is definitely the way
> to go. I call it Suil :)

I didn't follow the whole discussion, but I just want to toss out one
not-so-stupid-as-it-may-seem possibility: HTML + CSS + JS. Take a look
at YUI.

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