On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Gordon JC Pearce <gordon...@gjcp.net> wrote:

> What happened to the idea of doing one thing, and doing it well?  I'm
> not even totally sold on the idea of having the recorder and mixer in
> the same app...

you probably want ayyi then. except ... oh well.

> To that end, why has no-one managed to produce a PC (by which I mean the
> general case of modern personal computer, not x86/PCI cards/beige box
> PC) sequencer that doesn't suck overweight elephants through extremely
> fine mesh?  Cubase 3 on the Atari was simple, intuitive

... and couldn't do shit with audio sequencing. so shall we move on?

> cannot be beyond the wit of man to come up with something as good as
> 20-year-old software on hardware a million times as fast?

what is beyond the wit of man is to define the meaning of "as good" in
a context where every neighbour has different intents and purposes.
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