On 02/06/2011 10:33 PM, James Morris wrote:
I've created a sourceforge project page for Petri-Foo. Anyone
interested should subscribe to the petri-foo-devel list for
development and users alike here:



On 4 February 2011 11:18, James Morris<jwm.art....@gmail.com>  wrote:

I've forked Specimen primarily to provide frequency Modulation of the
LFOs and to make all the LFOs and ADSRs independent so that there is
no longer a single dedicated ADSR and a single dedicated LFO for ie
pitch modulation, but two 'inputs' for pitch modulation for which the
choice of all ADSRs and all LFOs is available.

Please read the README for more information:


The current state of Petri-Foo is that the LFOs and ADSRs have been
made independant and are, AFAICT, working as should. The GUI is not
yet up to date, but changes have been made enough to get a basic idea
of what's going on.

Please do read the README before commenting. I've tried to do things
properly! I'm only human and only a hobbyist coder.


Does your fork include the JackSession patch to enable jacksession support? Would be nice. Should be in Specimen svn


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