quick reminder:
the deadline for submissions to ICSA 2011 has been extended to August 15.
sorry i won't be able to address any questions you might have, since i'm about to go on vacation, but you can direct inquiries to the mail address given below.
i'd be happy to meet some fellow linux users and devs this autumn in
detmold! apologies for the hobbyist and freelancer unfriendly admission
fee - we have tried to cut costs wherever possible and we're still
comparably cheap, but i can see how it's a serious deterrent for some
people. however (plug!): there is a substantial discount for accepted
papers, so get busy :-D

here's the official message from our chair, prof. dr. malte kob:
> Dear colleagues,
> due to many requests the deadline for submission of contributions to
> the International Congress on Spatial Audio - ICSA 2011 has been
> extended until August 15, 2011.
> The congress offers scientific contributions and practical
> demonstrations for spatial recording and reproduction methods such as
> wave field synthesis, higher-order ambisonics, multichannel
> surround/stereo, binaural technique and 3D systems. Music
> performances and listening test will be performed in the frame of the
> conference.
> You are welcome to submit proposals for oral presentations, posters,
> workshops or product presentations via the congress webpage:
> http://www.icsa2011.org
> Contact address: icsa-2011-t...@tonmeister.de

best regards,


Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487

Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
Tonmeister VDT


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