Am 2. April 2012 19:17 schrieb J. Liles <>:

> Anyway,
> from my perspective, correcting the problem is as simple as adding a
> rule to the NSM API that states:
> * When connected to a session, the client *MUST* store all new media
> (recorded audio, etc.) related to the open project in the project path
> provided by the `open` message.

I thought - that's what we would not want: store large files in the
session dir !?
....because duplicating a session should stay a "light" and fast process.

That is, why I had been proposing an "nsm-large-files" directory
(outside of the session-folder), for those,
but actually, it doesn't matter, _where_ NSM-clients store their "large-files",
as long as they create symlinks for them in the session folder.

(maybe the sub-directory for symlinks should be defined as part of the
API. proposition: "external-file-links").

-- -- -- --
Remember my definitions:

What is a large-file ?
 - every (larger) file, that is not required to immediately be
   copied if, a session is cloned.
 - every file, where a reference is enough in the first place

What is NO-large-file ?
 - data that is required to access large-files (references, symlinks)
 - that is lightweight (~ below 1MB) (some config-values)
 - has to be read by the SM to initialize the client
-- -- -- --

> I can't imagine why Rui or anyone else would have a problem with this,
> as it is exactly equivalent to the user saying
> "Please store my
> precious data somewhere predictable that I have predefined instead of
> in whatever random place the application developer thought would be
> good."

My exact intention.

Regards, Emanuel
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