On 05/26/2012 10:25 AM, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

jfyi, there have been at least one case of slowness re. qtractor:
  Qtractor graphics becomes very slow with many items

what about switching QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=raster (env var) or start with "-graphicssystem raster" command line option?

on my call and experience it (marginally) boosts rendering performance somehow, but it scores some artifact side-effects, specially on composite/opengl/eye-candy/sweetened WM's... as usual, ymmv ;)

No sweetened WMs around here ! (It's xfce on the Arch box.)

Well, Rui, I just knew that if anyone could solve my problem it'd be you. I added the CL option to the startup command, and voila, I have a fast Kdenlive again.

Looks like I owe you a dram or two of single-malt. Again. ;)

Thanks !!


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