On 08/01/2012 03:30 AM, James Morris wrote:
On 30/07/12 "rosea.grammostola"<rosea.grammost...@gmail.com>  wrote:
On 07/30/2012 03:12 AM, James Morris wrote:

(1.0) Non Session Management support

Nice to see a dev who's taking this up. Session management a 'must
have' for jack standalone applications and imho NSM is the best option
for this.

Woohoo there is now a grand total of 5 apps supporting it:

I count 7, but yeah despite your sarcasm, that's good news indeed, that's already more support then LASH had in it's first days.

But the nice and essential thing about NSM is that it's support apps without a state, and apps without NSM support via nsm-proxy.
Moreover NSM-proxy supports Ladish level 1 also.

LASH failed despite 26 apps supporting it:

The problem with LASH is that it has obvious (technical) flaws. Session managers today are much better. Imo NSM has a great technical design, with advantages compared to other session api's and without (essential) technical flaws.

If you think that all the apps apps.linuxaudio.org will support a session api, then you're not very realistic. That's why it's essential that NSM support apps without NSM support and apps without a state in a user friendly way.

Just not enough developers with free time and brain cells not owned by
their employers to make it work.

That's not totally true. If you count all the apps with a form of session management support, you can't really blame their efforts. On the other hand, it's true: session management seems to be primarily a users problem not a developers problem, unfortunately.

It's kind of a pity that NSM was released not earlier. Because of other session api's, devs are hesitated to add NSM support, but I'm confident that this will change soon.

Speaking for myself, I start *all* the linuxaudio applications I use (with NSM support or via NSM-proxy) in NSM, because it works. And that's why I am optimistic, it's just great that all those years we have something that just works! :)

Best regards,

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