Hello ricardo!
I ran into some trouble with mod-host. I tried using monosynth from the Calf LV2 plugins. I tried this:
add http://calf.sourceforge.net/plugins/Monosynth 0
On a different console I used analyselv2 to find portnames, that I could query or change. for exampe:
param_get 0 Resonance
resp -3 0.0000
I do get sound, the bypass works as well, so does removing plugins, but no parameter adjustment.
  Another thing is, when I try quoting arguments like:
add "http://calf.sourceforge.net/plugins/Monosynth"; 0
param_get 0 "Cutoff (hz)"
  mod-host segfaults.
  Any idea, what these issues might be related to?
  Warm regards

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