Am 19.09.2013 00:28, schrieb Fons Adriaensen:
On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 02:29:02PM -0700, J. Liles wrote:

Respectfully, you granted people the right to fork your code in the first
Yes, and now I know that was a mistake.


I'm sad to hear that. :-(
Please don't let you lead from the things you didn't like, let you lead from the things you like instead. I guess then it's necessary to let you know that we use /as well/ a fork of your work, the zita-convolver library, in the guitarix project. But we leave your copyright untouched, and the fork will only come in use, when the user set a explicit compile flag. We didn't promote it, or force the fork. Ordinary your original code is in use. We do it to use ffmpeg instead fftw3 FFT, which perform better on ARM devices. We do our best to let all users know that it is your work, which comes in use for the convolution. I really hope you re-think your stance and keep going with the GPL to enable Forks of your work, instead force us to re-invent the wheel.


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