On Sat, January 4, 2014 11:19 am, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 03, 2014 at 05:01:33PM -0600, Charles Z Henry wrote:
>> The peak pressure difference occurs where the volume velocity is zero.
>> The location of the peak spatial derivative of pressure coincides with
>> the
>> location of peak volume velocity.
> I don't think acoustic levitation can be explained as long as
> linearity is assumed - because in that case there can't be any
> constant term in the forces that he acoustic waves generate.
> So what's going on here is probably a lot more complex than
> we imagine, and the way it's 'explained' in the video is
> completely bogus.

It seems like this technique could be used to move small objects a fairly
large distance as long at the beam forming is applied correctly. I imagine
the objects would start to get hot at some point.

Does cavitation have a role to play?

I wonder what the results would be with other gases or fluids? Is it
theoretically possible to lift much larger objects if they were contained
in a different gas or fluid rather than standard earth grade air?

Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd
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