On Thu, 26 Mar 2015, Brett McCoy wrote:

Ah, the good ol' days! I first learned how to recompile kernels in the 90s
primarily to add new support for audio card drivers (OSS).

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 6:05 AM, Dave Phillips <dlphill...@woh.rr.com> wrote:

      Something to put smiles on faces:


      The state of Linux audio software, February 1999.

Somewhere around 95 I switched my BBS to Linux from OS/2 so I could add networking and email (I think the BBS died pretty soon after that). I looked at audio SW, but it would be 2005 before I had the hardware that could run Audio for anything but desktop use. Tape and the Atari Mega2 were what I used for music.

Len Ovens

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