On 04/25/2015 09:43 AM, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
On 25.04.2015 09:50, Will Godfrey wrote:
One of my pet hates is erratic implementation of tooltips... that
can't be

I'm not sure where I saw it ... an interesting alternative is to have a
status line in a static location. It can be used for tooltip text,
parameter values and perhaps a few messages. A drawback is of course the
distance between the line and whatever the pointer is hovering.

the "vee ones" do exactly this.

btw. their rotary knobs do have optional behaviour now (git head, v0.6.1.2+):
a) default QDial's which everybody hates;)
b) linear as proportional to distance along the orthogonal x/y axis, and
c) angular aka. radial relative to widget center.
you can now choose which mode suits you best (or less worse:)).

rncbc aka. Rui Nuno Capela
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