>On 03/11/2016 02:24 PM, Patrick Shirkey wrote:  
>> According to Jonathan his multiple cores are barely reaching 5%
>> usage. How can JACK_DSP be so high when there is so much room left
>> to play with if JACK2 is handling the parallelism correctly?
>> It seems similar to my car telling me that I am red lighting when I
>> am only going 20km/hr in second.    
>The proper analogy here would be a Formula-1 car in Downtown Manhattan
>during rush hour :)  

Or perhaps Jack2 already 'are' the bike couriers in Downtown Manhattan
during rush hour. Jet pack couriers or a trail bike couriers would be
faster than the bike courier, but also more prone to accidents. Perhaps
the OP is asking for bike couriers, who when ever it is possible
temporarily use a jet pack. OTOH carrying a jet pack on the back, would
slow down riding the bike.
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