On Sat, 27 Aug 2016, Will Godfrey wrote:

I'm finding quite a lot of occasions where variables defined as 'bool' are
sometimes being set with true or false and other times 0 or 1. On one occasion
there is something like x = n + {boolean variable}

This last one seems quite unsafe to me as I didn't think the actual value of
true and false was guaranteed.

I do not know if the compiler takes bool = int; and forces bool = 1 if int = 5

According to:

bool a = FALSE;
a = 5;

will give: error: no bool(const int&) available.

So, it should not be possible to set a bool to other than 0 or 1.
bool = 1;
is the same as bool = (bool) 1;
I do not know what (bool) 5 or (bool) int would do :)
bool = int; should fail to compile (assuming c++)
bool == int may should be ok
bool || int and bool && int are ok.

That is, 1 can be a bool value... 5 can not be a bool value and so should fail.
if(value) is different. internally I think you would find it looks like:
if(value != 0)

Am I being overly cautious or should I change them all to one form or the other?

So setting a bool to 1 or 0 is ok... but leaves the next person with less of a clue what is happening. Changing the 1 and 0 to true and false would make the code easier to follow.

x = n + {boolean variable}
is a shortcut for
if({boolean variable}) {
        x = n + 1;
} else {
        x = n;

Which helps someone reading the code to understand what is going on best?
if the x = n + {boolean variable} is the next line after something that tells the reader {boolean value} is a bool it is ok... but what if a patch adds many lines in between. adding // y is a bool after might help.

So the code will work and probably not break. The code would be easier to read using only true or false.

Len Ovens

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