On 06/26/2018 03:55 PM, Hans Wilmers wrote:
On 06/26/2018 08:32 PM, Spencer Jackson wrote:

I don't know of anyone really working on polyphonic pitch recognition in
the open source world. I think Bayesian filtering of some kind though
would be compelling. Perhaps some of the work from ISSE
(http://isse.sourceforge.net/) could be used and made realtime.

There is a SuperCollider plugin by Nick Collins called PolyPitch, which
does what the name suggests.
The source is GPL, and available here:

/ Hans

From Klapuri, "Multipitch analysis of polyphonic music and
 speech signals using an auditory model", from PolyPitch:

"The  method  consists  of  a computational model of the
 human auditory periphery, followed by a periodicity analysis
 mechanism where fundamental frequencies are iteratively
 detected and canceled from the mixture signal."

Wow. That seems much different than all the other papers I read.
Wonder how well it works, especially if applied to guitar.

It sort of reminds me of how I once was part of Sony's rollout of
 Surround Retrieval System technology.
It was TV surround speakers modeled based on human hearing,
 to make one pair of these speakers simulate a truer surround.

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