Am 30.10.18 um 08:37 schrieb Hermann Meyer:

Am 29.10.18 um 15:34 schrieb Robin Gareus:
The plugins already loaded into memory should still hopefully be OK.

On Unix systems already loaded .so will be kept in memory. On Windows
you cannot write/replace to a file that is currently opened.

You can skip and postpone scanning of plugins that are currently in use
until the next session load.

During plugin development I check plugins usually (first) in jalv. Sometimes I forgot that I've loaded a plug already and update it, result is always a crash in jalv.

The same happen in Mixbus4, I've just checked it, out of curiosity.

True, there is no problem when the update didn't happen in-place, means remove the older bundle and then install the new one ( like most package mangers does).

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