Hi Cédric

Well, I must admit that it is grown already a bit, and still is work in

Things have changed and it is no longer a single header. I've
implemented widgets to be transparent, usage of adjustments and
currently working on proper scaling support modes.

My goal is to implement it as simple as possible, so, that just a
setting is required to decide how a widget is presented on screen, but
allow as well to fine tune anything more deep.

However, I've setup a online Documentation for libxputty here:




Am 20.07.19 um 13:03 schrieb Cedric Roux:
Dear Hermann,

let me use your announcement to try sending an email to
the LAD list. Seems like free.fr is now "whitelisted" for LAD,
which allows me to salute your work! Let's make writing
basic and simple software great again! :)


On 7/16/19 1:48 PM, Hermann Meyer wrote:
For creating LV2 UI's I end up more and more writing the same code, so I 
decided to wrote a Layer for it.
It's supposed to create, manage, draw, and destroy X11 widgets with a cairo 
surface to draw.
Additional to subscribe to and handle events.

I decided to put it in the Public Domain, so everyone could do what ever he 
/she want's with it.

The repository contain a example folder showing some of the features supported 
by the layer.
It's a tiny, but powerful abstraction of the X11 low level API to easier the 
process to create nice GUI's.
Documentation is included in the source code, it's a single header and a single 
c file.
All together just 654 lines, were most lines taken by documentation.

So, here you go:

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