> > Now this is what we call an imagination! I hope not to imply a 
> > daydream, though. Buy this man a drink! 
> No one can accuse me of setting other people's goals too low :)

Since we are having fun dreaming, I've been wondering about
how much latency is in 100 Mbps or 1 Gbps networking?

In other words, how "bad" would it be if parts of the graph were
located on one machine, and parts on another.  An example: having
a software synth running on one machine, as a LAAGA "soundbox",
communicating with a host program on another.  Instead of using
standard MIDI and digital audio, it would use Fast Ethernet or
Gigabit ethernet.

I'm just wondering, since I'm getting a .7 ms roundtrip time when
pinging my other Linux system here, which is connected to this one
by 100 Mbps ethernet through a 100 Mbps switch.  Is that number
for real?  Because it seems almost too good.

Plus, would there be any limitation preventing the current design
from networking over ethernet or Internet using sockets?  (Latency
issues aside at this point; I'm just thinking about streaming audio
or a free Internet Phone for Linux, with an open Internet protocol
and RFC that would allow it to work with Macs, Windows, et. al.)

- Jay Ts

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