> > But wait a minute! Oh my, this is much worse than I thought. Much 
> > worse. There isn't *any* way to monitor the input of a Port in 
> > general! If it happens to be a port on a Driver that is controlling an 
> > audio h/w interface, then its possible. But in the general case, the 
> > notion of monitoring a Port is nonsensical - there is no mechanism to 
> > do it. 
> > 
> > Gulp. This seems bad. 
> > 
> > How can anyone build a disk recorder that cannot monitor its input 
> > effectively? 
> I've not understood what's the problem... 
> I see you've problems if you limit port data type to float ;-). 
> Someone can explain which other problems exists? 

Monitoring means sending a signal to an audio interface output.  In the
current model signals go from output ports to input ports, so the only
signals that can access the input port of an audio interface output come
from plugin output ports.  There is currently no defined way of sending
the contents of an input port to another input port, so there is no way
to monitor the signal that is feeding a plugin.


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