I just don't see the point in creating an 'abstraction' in C.  Maybe
its just me, but the whole object scheme seems the logical way to do
things ESPECIALLY for something like this.  I used to dislike C++
about four years ago, then I spent a great deal of time reading and
understanding OOP, and now, I find that in a world where you are
'trying' to get component reuse, it helps in many ways.  Easier to
read code, easier organization, and very clear distinction of outside
and inside methods.  Is it that this API is to be so simple that an
object representation is not necessary?


Thursday, June 07, 2001, you wrote:

>> >Can you show me:
>> >1) a C++ header that show classes and method 
>> the most recent version of the API is in C, and is intended to remain
>> that way.

JT> Ah, thank you!

JT> Just one C lover and C++ hater,

JT> Jay Ts

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