Ah, what a beautifully peaceful week ;-)

I had a chance to catch up with the state of LAAGA over the past week or so.
Nice clear bit of code.

However I'm now a bit puzzled what LAAGA attempts to achieve - as far as I
can see, any LAAGA application has to hand over its control logic to the AES
engine? Possibly I've missed where the `interface point' is in the code, but
this seems somewhat over-prescriptive.

What software would use this API? What changes would have to be made to
Csound to allow a MIDI sequencer to drive it while feeding audio into
Ardour? How would the link be set up? This, to me, is the kind of basic
challenge that an `application glue' framework needs to meet. As we
discussed when we met up, isn't an ALSA-like API better suited to this? How
would aRts do it?

I've had quite a few thoughts about this over the past week and hopefully
will find the time to pull them together into a consistent email over the
next week or two. I do think we're better off abstracting away from
OSS/ALSA/aRts or suchlike but I'm not sure we're doing it the right way.

My instinct is that the existing framework deals with two issues - how to
handle audio/data exchange and how to specify network topology. These seem
to be orthogonal concepts to me and better separated. To deal with the two
parts, I think the audio/data exchange part needs a lot of work, but I'm
reasonably happy with the topology API - it's not dissimilar to the API that
MN presents to client applications (Paul, the MNServer baseclass I think I
showed you briefly) and I know that works :-)

All good progress...


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Davis
Sent: 18 June 2001 21:36
Subject: [linux-audio-dev] silent for a while

i'm off on a road-trip to illinois for the rest of this week, so don't
expect to hear anymore about my audioengine/laaga prototype till at
least sunday (jun 24th).

i would really appreciate it if kai, steve h., the richards and others
could take a look at the code to get a feel for the design and let me
know what you all think. its definitely not finished, but i'm excited
about the possibilities.

ideas on how to have clients get access to the list of port
connections are also very welcome.

best regards,

ps. anybody else know the track by eberhard weber that gave the
    subject line?

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