On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Paul Davis wrote:

> >Err - for which part of GNOME or its dependencies are no binaries
> >available??? Paul, what are you smoking??? The above is precisely
> >the problem with adour which certainly doesnt depend on GNOME but
> >libraries for which no binaries are available...
> the words were:
> >> >(not alot of excessive library inclusion that I have to install 
> >> >every libtom-libdick-and-libharry libs just to compile it- because there no
> >> >binaries available),
> which i read as saying "i have to install a bunch of libraries because
> i have to compile an application and i have to compile the application
> because the author does not make binaries available".
> this is true of ANY application that is not distributed as a
> statically-linked binary. 

Dynamically linked usually suffices. GLAME 0.4.2 is available as binary
debian package in the unstable distribution, its also included in the
mandrake distribution. I dont know about other distribution, nor if
someone makes GLAME 0.5.2 binary packages available.


Richard Guenther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
WWW: http://www.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/~rguenth/
The GLAME Project: http://www.glame.de/

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