On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 02:54:49PM -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
> >FreeWire sounds vaguely like drugs reference, LAAGA sounds like a Beer
> >reference ;)
> Only to wideboys and Cortina Mk.III drivers who holiday on the costa
> del sol, mate :)

You mean its possible to drive a Cortina and not be a wideboy? I think
they throw you out of the union for that. All forign beer is just poncy
lager anyway ;)

> >Pretty 50/50 imho.
> Yeah, I'm not terribly hot on it. Somehow though, ReWire, CoreAudio
> and others just sound, uh, more appealing. But then maybe thats the
> native english speaker in me dominating too much. The hindu "glue"
> connection is very appealing.

It is a shame that the name doesn't imply audio-ness or wiring-ness or ...,
I've been thinking of alternatives, but they all sound cheesey, stupid, or
are even more obscure than Laaga.

- Steve

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