I like the idea of completely remapable hot-keys. My example because
of a lack of any better would be quake/unreal/tribes, all of which
have remapable keys. If you ever watch people who play these games
(as I do) you will see an incredible amount of diversity in
keystrokes. I watch some people and I am like DAMN that looks
uncomfortable. Yes it does add some extra effort into the program,
but trying to standardize a 'set' could be even worse. If any of you
remember the 'edit' program in Windows 3.1 that required Shift-Ins and
stuff like that to insert text, WHAT A PAIN! I myself prefer the
control key, because the problem with ALT on my split keyboard is keys
like Alt-B Alt-G and Alt-T are difficult hand positions. I do have
larger hands so my pinky is at the control key anyways all the time.
I also disagree that great effort should have to be put into using the
UI, thats why I refuse to use emacs and framemaker period, they are
not intuitive to me and I am perfectly happy with VIM. I say you
start with a general 'typical feel' that you feel beginners would
like, then make the keystrokes customizable, even button placement.
Things like word/visualC++ have been doing this for years and I use
them. I put things where I want for quick usage and I don't rearrange
menus. Paul has objected to icons in ardour and I fully see why, BUT,
you could always have an icon based quick bar for people to associate
their own pictures with functions.
Just my thoughts :)
Friday, July 27, 2001, you wrote:
SM> Isn't it exactely the job of the main X Desktop providers to reach an
SM> agreement about where such specs should be placed in the users directory and
SM> what format it should be? (I'm becoming a big fan of xml for such kind of
SM> settings files but wahtever will do as long as it's a standard that every
SM> one comply to...).
SM> I think we should presure on the people make gnome and kde (and some of the
SM> other big desktop makers) to create a standard concerning user preferences
SM> about the way the ui should respond and what key bindings the user usualy
SM> wants for the main option (like open, save, copy, cut, paste, exist, send,
SM> play, stop, go one word right, go one word left, etc...).
SM> I really believe that such a thing would be a nice step forward for linux in
SM> the desktop world and as a possible concurent to other oses.
SM> This usualy is a real strength of the other OSes I uses: most of the time
SM> the programmers keep their UI concistent with the OS's guideline.
SM> Sebastien
SM> ----- Original Message -----
SM> From: "Iain Sandoe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
SM> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 10:51 PM
SM> Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] modifiers was - what's wrong with glame
>> The suggestion at the bottom of my last mail stands:
>> why not have a common place for LAD prefs and an agreement that
>> "LAD-compliant" apps use them.
>> That way no-one has to be 'right' or 'wrong' about key sequences (or
SM> whether
>> one-button mice are usable) etc. but, at the same time, the benefit of
>> similarity between app's common functions is maintained.
>> ciao,
>> Iain.