Alexander Ehlert wrote:
> > >16. Non-programmers that I talked to have never sent a bug report or a
> > >feature request to a software company. The idea of sending one directly to
> > >a programmer or a technical writer was a completely foreign concept.
> I consider this a bad attitude in open source land.

maybe there should be an extra section in each readme to inform
newbies how essential bug reports are, and that they are required
"payment" for the use of free software.
this is something the distro vendors should take into account more.

i use suse, and it's dead easy to install, so yes, you can go from
windows to linux in a day. they have three or four printed books in
their package, but it still lacks an extensive chapter on
open-source culture (they do print the gpl, but who would want to
read that ?).

are the other distributors doing any better in this respect ?


Jörn Nettingsmeier     

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