On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Juhana Sadeharju wrote:

> >From:        Tommi Ilmonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >There is a small low-level high-performance DSP library (C++) that is
> >distributed with Mustajuuri. I am intentionally keeping it small and very 
> >stand-alone. Right now there are only a few filter classes and delay
> >lines. I have a few compression and limiter algorithms as well, but those
> >have been put to the Mustajuuri plugins. I consider them mildly too
> >complex for a low-level DSP lib.
> I still would like to suggest to make clear difference between
> the actual code and the plug-in wrapping. It would be quite simple
> to have compressor/limiter functions which are then used in various
> plug-in wrappings.

You may well be right. The current situation goes like this:

1) There is a low-level DSP lib (filters and delay lines).

2) There are some DSP algorithms that rely on the DSP lib.

3) The Mustajuuri plugins use level 2 objects for DSP. For example an
array of level 2 compressors can be used to make one multichannel
compressor (wit user interface etc.).

Right now the levels 2 and 3 are located in the same source files even
tough they are not particularly dependent on each other. It would be
fairly easy to move all level-2 code to level-1 library = merge levels 1
and 2 rather that levels 2 and 3.

The reason I have not done this yet is that I have been developing level 2
stuff and parts of it are not 100% stable. I like the low-level lib to be
maximally stable. At the moment it would be reasonable to move most of
level-2 to level-1 without losing stability in the low-level lib.


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