>The waveform display is the most challenging one, it probably needs two
>parts: A) A threaded engine that calculates the preview files and B) A
>waveform renderer that could be used upon any widget.

its potentially a lot more complex than that.

i know from working on ardour that in the end, the waveform display
model is very dependent upon the design of the application. when
ardour used to offer a sample-based editor, we used a version of David
Bartold's GtkWaveForm widget. But as soon as we switched to a
region-based "arranger/sequencer", this widget was completely the
wrong model. Instead, I had to write a GtkCanvasItem that would
display a waveform because rather than using widgets per se, we
decided to use the GtkCanvas and drag objects around on it as well as
integrate GUI event handling through the canvas. GtkCanvasItems are
not widgets (in some senses they are much simpler, in others, much
more complex)

just a reminder to not assume that things are as simple as they
appear. i used to think that a generic wave display widget would be
great, but i'm now convinced that there is no such thing, only the
possibility of different kinds of display objects that would work for
different kind of application design.


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