Here is what made me come up with this idea

Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADMEA Prototype
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Tue Aug 14 2001 - 15:55:55 EEST

last night, i thought of an analogy/metaphor) to illustrate the
difference between the way i think about "processing networks" and the
model used by GLAME, GStreamer and now proposed in Richard's LADMEA.

In both cases, we have a bunch of "nodes" that generate and/or process
a data stream.

My model features a fascist dictator who screams at every node in
turn: "hey you brainless idiot in box 1! get busy, and tell me when
you're done!" The dictator maintains absolute rigid control over the
entire system. The nodes are droids with 

***(almost) no knowledge***

of the larger system in which they are embedded.

Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADMEA revisited (was: LAAGA and
supporting programs)
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Sun Sep 30 2001 - 21:01:35 EEST

JACK ***doesn't care***: its only job
is to ***interconnect*** and schedule things that need to be scheduled,
with the "when" and "how much" of scheduling being left to a "driver". 

There may be nothing linux-specific in terms of code, but where else 
would you want run (example) Ardour + Laaga/Jack + Alsa...?
Anyway, if anyone would ever change his mind, feel free to use laic...;)

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