Hi all,

I have been following recent developments in the Linux area, and have seen
Andrew's low latency patch, and more recently the pre-emptible kernel
patch.  Of particular note is that Benno's benchmarking utility (the one
that produces the graphs) shows quite acceptable performance for 3x256
byte buffers.

My question is this.  How would one go about modifying say mpg123, so that
it uses 3x256 (or 3x128) byte buffering?  I've ran the source through
doxygen, and started to have a brief look into it but I am wondering if
someone has already achieved this or could give a description of where to

The bonus question is about pitch control.  I understand that this can be
achieved by simply changing the sampling rate, however, I'm wondering if
anyone has knowledge of fast or high quality resampling algorithms?

Any thoughts, urls, patches or otherwise on the subject would be great. =)



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