delire wrote:

[re: Snd]

> It does look good ; ) As an editor I equate it with SoundEdit for the Mac.
> However I've never found it to be comprehensive or flexible enough to
> satisfy projects that requiring deeper editing. EG: broad sample and
> bit-rate conversion with noise shaping and dithering, filter preview,
> infinite undos, high bit-rate non-destructive editing, spectral analysis,
> midi time-code import, extensive right click menus and a comprehensive
> multitrack studio with panning and amplitude envelopes and broad mixdown
> capability.

I guess you haven't seen it lately. Certainly the undo can be as deep as
you prefer and spectral analysis features have been there for a while.
Editing is non-destructive, even at 32 bits (unless I'm not
understanding you correctly ?). Right-click popup menus are now
available for whole file and selected area. Panning and amplitude
enveloping is also available (always has been, I think).

O'Reilly Network recently published my status report on my work with
Bill Schottstaedt to "externalize" more of Snd's possibilities. We've
added dozens of GUI components for effects (Snd and LADSPA), cursor
control, popup menus, and so forth. If you're interested in the O'Reilly
article you can check it out here:

MIDI support is on Bill's TODO list. IMO, the issue of multitrack
recording seems better left to dedicated multitrack recorders (Ardour,
ecasound). Snd is an editor, that's what it aims to do and that's all it

> Cool-Edit Professional for windows, this is a fine editor - a good benchmark
> for developments under linux. So far GSMP looks like a good
> contender..though I've only spent a day with it so far

I've been spending more time with other Linux audio editors, including
GSMP, Audacity, DAP, and others. I'm still inclined to keep working to
expose more of Snd's power rather than contribute to another project
either stalled or coming in at version 0.0.1a. Just my preference, of

Best regards,

== Dave Phillips

        The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at
        The Linux Soundapps Site at

Currently listening to: "O presul vere" (Hildegard von Bingen)

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