> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jelle
> Sent: 30 October 2001 21:52
> Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Video JACK?
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 10:09:46AM -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
> hi there, i said i would get back to this after i messed up my exams and
> that is now :)
> > >would you, at all, be interested in extending JACK to mediate video
> > >connections between software (even with variable clock rates)?
> >
> > if you can see some way to do that, then sure. personally, i
> > don't. the whole model upon which JACK is based is a single periodic
> > "tick" source (not necessarily with a regular period, however) driving
> okey, there is about three distinct signals that you want to schedule
> - fixed interval (audio at 44100/blocksize intervals per second)
> - variable interval (video, framerate as high as possible)
> - interrupt driven (incoming midi events, external clock)
> I am working on a potential JACK client that incorporates all of
> these signals. All components in the graph have a "process()" function.
> My idea was to seperate the different clocks and provide my own
> scheduler. the schedular loads a scheme (more or less) such as:
>  1. If there are any interrupts process them
>  2. process the audio at (interval) unless running 1
>  3. process video when audio is done
> it uses some kind of relay-system that passes a token around, so that
> only one thread is run at the same time. The audio thread has higher
> priority than the video thread and thus the video thread is stopped when
> the audio thread gets intervalled.
> I've implemented something that does 2 and 3 and that works very well.
> Audio is always in time and video goes as fast as possible, iaw is
> processed in CPU's "spare-time". i've extended this to do background
> loading in a thread 4 and that works just fine.

I'd be interested to know if this fits with the LADMEA approach (see


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