On Thu, Nov 15, 2001 at 07:54:41PM +0100, Maarten de Boer wrote:

> Your results look good. For what processor did you compile your kernel?


Did I read correctly that some 3DNow instructions cause latency issues?

> Can you run the alsa-lib/test/latency test (and use a CD as input)
> and tell me if it sounds good?

I used line-in. The latency program locked up the box during its run
with the default settings. In fact in nonblock mode (I presume that's
default) the audio sounds horrible with all sorts of aliasing effects.

# latency -m 128 -M 128 -b

...sounded ok, xruns.. I could not get the rate above 29337 without
immediately bombing out with an xrun (around frame 512).


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