On Sat, Nov 17 2001 at 06:31:11pm +0100, Robert Jonsson wrote:
> Here are some implementation ideas I conjured from thin air a while a go 
> (perhaps that's all they contain), hope someone finds it interesting. 
> And in case it's not patented yet(in case someone would WANT to patent 
> it, go figure?!?), now there is prior art ;-).

I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I couldn't read your whole message; but, I was
wondering about the same thing: a means of "precomputing" and "caching"
realtime stuff for audio transparently (or not) for the user. The user
might even interfere, saying "freeze this" on some tracks. If he wants to
change something later, he just says "unfreeze this" and everything goes
back to realtime processing.

So, I guess it's not a very "new" idea; don't know if it's been
implemented, though.

In a similar vein. a long time ago (~1990), I read about someone
developing a bitmap editor `a la Photoshop that edited everything in
"preview mode" in order to appear to be fast for the user and afterwards
applied all the editing on the "real" image. But it was (supposedly, I
haven't seen it) smart, applying the "preview" edits on different
resolution according to the current view, and so it "cached" some of the
preview edits.

See ya,

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