I have a strange problem with my sound card.  I have an Athlon 1.0G system 
with 512MB RAM and a SoundBlaster PCI512 card.  It works fine with the cdrom, 
but will not work with media player or system sounds.  I have checked all the 
sliders.  (The mixer says SB Live!) Digital 2 appears to be the line out.  
CDROM works for CD.  Nothing else does anything. The only effect is with Line 
at full volume, I get some hum, that is all.  In looking at system info, 
under I/O ports, it lists :
d400-d41f Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10000 
        d400-d41f EMU10k1
obviously the first entry is wrong and the second corect, but what does it 
Interrupts correctly gives:
10:     384113  XT_PIC  EMU10k1
PCI gives the incorrect SB Live! EMU10000 info
Mark Parker
Triton #516, "All Ways"

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