Juhana Sadeharju wrote:

> It looks messy. Could you make it look simpler? Just like
> it would look if I make basic edits and effects to audiofiles.

Sorry about that, I wanted an overkill display shot. I'll post some
other shots.
> Anyway, what is the best/most usable audiowave editor in Linux
> at the moment?

Different preferences for different users...I haven't tried the most
recent GLAME (must check it out soon) or Audacity or any of the dozen or
so others...too busy with Snd these days...

Best regards,

== Dave Phillips

        The Book Of Linux Music & Sound at http://www.nostarch.com/lms.htm
        The Linux Soundapps Site at http://sound.condorow.net

Currently listening to: "O presul vere" (Hildegard von Bingen)

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