
> Of course! This is because Alsa is not a part of the kernel. Once it
> becomes a part of kernel, it will be the same like OSS in this respect.

Pff, nothing would change, if alsa is in the kernel? I don't see why
this should suddenly make things easier? I don't see the necessity
to put in into the kernel, if it installs nicely from a different
directory. Compiling the alsa modules for the drivers and installing
it with "make install" does work quite easily. Debian even ships
alsa packages with precompiled drivers for the kernel. Installation
of alsa-lib afterwards is the problem. The users asks himself, how to
setup the modules for the init script, what the heck happends in
asound.state, how do I write my own configuration files. And what
can I do with all those hw, plughw, share, multi, whatever plugins.
And I have to admit, I'd like to read about that, too, cause I have no
clue and I actually have better things to do right now than reading
the alsa source. Anyway I learnt how to setup a device, configure it
and happily read/write to it. But until know I haven't seen what else
ALSA can do, that would make it really different from oss. Apart from
the possibility to use smaller framesizes, but that's possible with oss
too, in case the driver supports smaller framesizes.

> I have to completely disagree with your statement here. I could not care
> less for BSD, Solaris or any other flavor or *nix. I use Linux and that

Luckily the authors of some sound applications thought different. As Paul
already stated most of the early ones come from IRIX.

> I would much rather see Alsa developers invest their time into
> perfecting Alsa's architecture, than use the same time for porting an
> API that is yet to be completed/widely used to other OS's.

You're probably happy with ALSA on Linux/i386. What about Linux on other

Cheers, Alex


Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read.
                -- Mark Twain

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