dave willis wrote:
> > I don't have any problems with my Delta 1010 using OSS. I've been using 
> so, i guess that 85 ms latency whenever /dev/dsp is opened does not 
> matter to you?  it matters to me (i have the audiophile).

In practice I get more latency because data passes sockets twice and lots of
processing before it comes to ears of listener. Usually there are at least
three separate computers (input, processing, ui). There is even more latency
if processing is done using MPI cluster.

Only latency sensitive program I made is rtEq where biggest latency source
is FFT size (usually 75% overlap and 8192 point FFT).

Here are some block sizes reported by the OSS driver:

Open /dev/dsp9: ch 2 fs 44100 fmt 10h frag 512 bytes
Open /dev/dsp9: ch 8 fs 96000 fmt 1000h frag 2048 bytes

So that's not the biggest latency source, I think.

 - Jussi Laako

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