>This might be a little technical, but I just wanted to explain how I think
>they did it. And the techniques used are not that new... these are the most
>simple digital communication techniques. A 2400baud modem uses more
>techniques. The difficulty is applying digital communication theory to a
>recorded medium...
It was pretty clear :)

>Anyway, I'd love any feedback on this, I instanly made this up, so I probably
>missed some major things...
Haven't got much time to think about it right now :/
I would _really_ like to implement this stuff 
and try to introduce error correction and 
make it very robust.
We could then create the signal using some program,
record it to ADAT and then record it onto a dubplate
and then try it out for real at my place :)

We should be careful and maybe read the specific patent
first though, and work around it.

Do you feel like working such a thing out,
work out the details, document it, etc.
I would love to code such an app.
I really feel like doing something 'useful'
at last after learning all this stuff in college.

Seems like a nice application of digital and analog systems,
syncing and robust software design.

but exams first :/
best regards

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