On Thursday 14 February 2002 18.21, Taybin Rutkin wrote:
> On 14 Feb 2002, Bob Ham wrote:
> > However, I definately think that, at some point, something like
> > an arbitrary-event-type API should be done.  It would be absurdly
> > useful.
> If you just want to program using an event-driven style, then I'm
> sure such libraries are easily found.

That's not quite what we're talking about when we say "events" around 
here. What GUI programmers (mostly) relate to when saying "events" is 
more similar to what we'd refer to as callbacks, or virtual member 
function invocations.

*Real* events ;-) have "hard" timestamps, and should be handled in 
correct order, even if they arrive from multiple sources, originating 
in different threads or processes.

Imagine a LADSPA port type that gives you a list or table of zero or 
more small structs, each one containing a "command" that you're 
supposed to carry out at the exact sample stamped on it. These 
"commands" may come in from multiple sources, may or may not be 
sorted by the host, or you may even get one port for each source, to 
do any sorting yourself.

There are many ways to deal with the details, but the basic idea is 
the same: Transferring complex data with sample accurate timing in a 
more flexible and efficient way than through "audio rate control 


.- M A I A -------------------------------------------------.
|      Multimedia Application Integration Architecture      |
| A Free/Open Source Plugin API for Professional Multimedia |
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.- David Olofson -------------------------------------------.
| Audio Hacker - Open Source Advocate - Singer - Songwriter |
`-------------------------------------> http://olofson.net -'

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