Paul Davis wrote:
> with all due respect to Eric S. and John L., as much as SAOL improves
> on Csound, comparing it to SuperCollider is like comparing ... well,
> its exactly like comparing an incomplete version of C to Smalltalk.

Well, I admit that I don't know SuperCollider... So... If you like
SuperCollider so much, why not buy a Mac? This is not intended to be a
flipant question, I am curious why you have choosen to use Linux over

> they are completely different conceptions of what a language should
> look like, and we all know very well that the form of a language has a
> big influence of what we do with it.

Could you offer some comparisons here? What things are possible in
SuperCollider that are either not available or are more difficult in

> i am a huge fan of supercollider - it appears to me the best designed
> language for algorithmic synthesis that i've seen. i think its a shame
> that james is so attached to his mac environment, because if it was
> available for linux, we would have just about the only tool i'd ever
> need to use for synthesis.

Could you please explain why SuperCollider is so excellent? What
features does it have that other languages should have?

> for me, SAOL is still too connected to the Music N lineage, which
> while a source of many noble achievements, was constructed by people
> without any particular grounding in the design and implications of
> programming languages. i don't love smalltalk very much at all,
> whereas i love C and C++, but i'd much, much, much rather have a
> smalltalk-like or lisp-like language for synthesis and processing
> experiments than something that looks like SAOL.

Could you please expand on your thoughts here? What things are needed
that are missing in the Music N line? I am assuming from this statement
that the language should be a complete programming language. What things
require this? How "complete" does the language need to be?


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