Ivica Bukvic hat gesagt: // Ivica Bukvic wrote:
> P.S. I heard an interesting rumor regarding OS X. Since its kernel
> (Darwin) has originally been designed on an Intel-compatible platform
> (and is supposedly still being developed by the mixed Intel/Apple
> community) this rumor does not seem so far-fetched, especially since it
> comes from a friend of mine who is a devoted Apple fan. He mentioned
> that Apple has an in-house working Intel version of the OS X which to me
> seems like a back-up plan if the deal with Motorola eventually
> evaporates. Now, if this is true, then I would seriously consider buying
> OS X just for the sake of Supercollider ;-).

_From the Darwin-FAQ (http://www.darwin.org/projects/darwin/faq.html):

Q. I heard that Darwin runs on Intel processor-based PCs. Is that true?
A. Yes, and we're partnering with the Darwin developer community to
   enhance support for this platform

Now OS-X really is a great OS, maybe the best commercial OS now
available. It's stunning, how they build an intuitive Desktop on a
Unix-core, something that neither in Gnome nor KDE really worked (I'm
still prefering the command line over those)

 Frank Barknecht                                  _ _______footils__

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