> Now OS-X really is a great OS, maybe the best commercial OS now
> available. It's stunning, how they build an intuitive Desktop on a
> Unix-core, something that neither in Gnome nor KDE really worked (I'm
> still prefering the command line over those)

While OS X certainly has its strengths, I consider it far from being the
best commercial OS. Maybe in terms of eye-candy. I find both XP and KDE
much more user-friendly desktops than Aqua in terms of productivity:
both Win and Linux OS's much more responsive (primarily due to hw
architecture they run on). The thing with both KDE and Gnome is that
they are not "pretty" out-of-the-box, but one can create very nice
desktop environment with them with a bit of tweaking. Yet, my desktop is
relatively plain since I simply look for productivity (i.e. virtual
desktops rather than transparent windows).

Aqua is rather over-bloated. Case-and-point, try to run one of the
developer OpenGL examples (even simple ones, like rotating cube) and
once the window is created, try to move it behind the transparent dock
and you'll lose approx. 60% of the window's framerate, needless to
mention up to 100% CPU utilization every time you do that pretty
minimize-window animation...

Also, in terms of being Unix, well it's not quite fully Posix compliant
since (just to give an example) shell does not distinguish between
capital letters and small letters, i.e. make a folder foo, and you can
cd into it by typing cd FOO, foo, FoO etc. This has resulted in several
Apache security loopholes that Apple had to patch up and only Lord knows
how many more remain due to this kind of implementation...

So, it's not Unix, it's not old Apple, it's not BSD, and it's not NEXT,
so what the heck is it? ;-)


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