On Tue, 7 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Idem for presets : this subject has been discussed a lot, but how do we store 
> them and where, finally ? 

Where?  That was never really decided.  I think the idea was to have one
under $LADSPA_PATH/presets and that others could be added as well.  I
don't know of any programs that do this now.

How?  This is from Ardour.  It uses the libXML++ library.  It's pretty
clear if you look at any existing preset file.

XMLNode *
        XMLNode *root = new XMLNode(state_node_name);
        XMLNode *child;
        gchar buf[16];
        for (guint i = 0; i < port_count(); i++){
                if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_CONTROL(port_descriptors()[i])){
                        child = new XMLNode("port");
                        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", i);
                        child->add_property("port-number", string(buf));
                        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%+f",
                        child->add_property("value", string(buf));
        return root;

Plugin::set_state(const XMLNode *node)
        XMLNodeList nodes;
        XMLProperty *prop;
        XMLNodeConstIterator iter;
        XMLNode *child;
        const char *port;
        const char *data;
        if(node->name() != state_node_name) {
                error << "Bad node send to Plugin::set_state" << endmsg;
                return -1;

        nodes = node->children ("port");

        for(iter = nodes.begin(); iter != nodes.end(); iter++){
                child = *iter;
                prop = child->property("number");
                        port = prop->value().c_str();
                        warning << "LADSPA: bad port number"
                                << endmsg;
                prop = child->property("value");
                        data = prop->value().c_str();
                        warning << "LADSPA: bad port value"
                                << endmsg;
                control_data[atoi(port)] = atof(data);

        return 0;

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