On Friday 10 May 2002 19:21, Paul Davis wrote:

> perhaps you don't realize this - i can't say i blame you. its one of
> the most fundamental aspects of using ALSA, but its not prominent in
> any of the docs or the website.

I think you've just touched upon the real problem.  ALSA is ludicrously -- in 
fact, dangerously -- underdocumented.  This was tolerable (albeit 
undesireable) while the API was under development, but with it now slated to 
become the "official" sound API in 2.6.x, this situation threatens to derail 
the entire course of audio development under Linux.   Unfortunately, what the 
folks over at alsa-project.org don't seem to realize is that the production 
of top-quality, usable docs for application programmers is a task every bit 
as essential as production of the driver code itself.  Fail with that, and 
you get what we are in fact now seeing:  fragmentation of the apps, with some 
adopting ALSA while many others remain with OSS.  The fact that ALSA itself 
comes as two mutually incompatible versions contributes yet more chaos to 
this witch's brew.

I myself have been writing OSS applications for over five years.  The output 
from some of these can be heard on hundreds of radio stations across the US.  
I say this not to toot my own horn, but to indicate that I am not a naive 
newbie in this area.  I've been spending the last few weeks tearing my hair 
trying to learn ALSA 0.9.0, and it's only thanks to the example code 
contributed by Paul Davis and others that I've managed to get as far as I 
have.  Frankly, my strong temptation at this time is the chuck the whole mess 
and go back to OSS, which is well understood and solidly documented.  
Unfortunately, the baptism of ALSA by Linus makes this unwise, so I'll grit 
my teeth and, after wasting obscene amounts of my (and others on this 
list's!) time, will eventually learn ALSA.

Folks, this is intolerable.  If ALSA is in fact ready for prime time, then we 
better get some docs (both for developers and end users) that are too.  I'd 
be glad to contribute, except that, as is doubtless abundantly clear to all 
by now, I currently stand in position of audience for, rather than potential 
author of, ALSA documentation.

OK, I'm off the soapbox now.  Thanks for listening...


|Frederick F. Gleason, Jr.|WAVA Radio - 105 FM |Voice: 1-(703)-807-2266   |
| Director of Engineering |1901 N. Moore Street|  FAX: 1-(703)-807-2245   |
|                         |Arlington, VA 22209 |  Web: HTTP://www.wava.com|
| handshaking protocol, n:                                                |
|       A process employed by hostile hardware devices to to initiate     |
|       a terse but civil dialogue, which, in turn, is characterized      |
|       by occasional misunderstanding, sulking and name-calling.         |

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