>immune to the PC's internal noise.  But it all goes to proper design.  The 
>Antex SX series of cards likewise contain internal A/D converters.  I have 
>measured the noise figures of the Antex SX-36 we have at WGCR using state of 
>the art audio systems analyzers, and the noise floor is below the LSB 
>threshold.  All due to balanced I/O, sound PC layout techniques, and top of 
>the line components.

Just FYI, RME make all the same claims on their website about their 8
channel analog "daughterboards" for the Hammerfall. 

>In a high RF environment, unless the converters are optically isolated from 
>the PC, you might be asking for trouble.  When I say 'high RF' I'm talking 
>10KW of AM transmitter fifteen feet away, with a measured RF field intensity 
>of 105V/m (the ANSI exposure limit is around 645V/m).  This means a one meter 
>piece of wire that isn't properly grounded can develop 105V of RF energy.  I 
>have suffered RF burns of appreciable intensity touching wires that weren't 
>connected to anything on either end -- they were just oriented along the 
>field gradient.

Just Say Fibre Optics :) Who needs AES or MADI when you've got ADAT? :)


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