Dear François and other Agnula partners,

A big congratulations on getting EC funding directed towards 
the noble open software cause! At the Centre for Music 
Technology in Glasgow, we use *only* Debian in teaching audio 
programming courses at final year level in Electronic 
Engineering, and have a lab full of Debian GNU/Linux PPC 
machines devoted to it. We also use GNU/Linux on our research 
machines (mostly debian, but some other flavours too) and are 
active in seeking out expert Open Software advocates to fill 
our research posts, which are advertised on LAD. Indeed, we 
are lucky enough to have Phil Kerr working with us at the 
moment, who many list users will know from the DMIDI and MP3 
HowTo resources.

We also insist on open solution alternatives when 
implementing software for our projects, such as the EC-funded 
Open Drama and Custodiev projects and take a strong position 
on advocacy, such as espoused in the Circus project (also an 
EC-funded activity on Technology in the Arts).

Obviously we are very interested indeed in your work, and 
will keep a close eye on your web site and mail lists. I 
would strongly encourage all list readers to do the same, and 
expand the funding councils' obviously emerging interest in 
the open source community.

Good luck!


On Monday 27 May 2002 3:56 pm, you wrote:
> AGNULA: A GNU/Linux Audio distribution
> (IST-2001-34879)
> The AGNULA (A GNU/Linux Audio distribution, acronym
> pronounced with a strong g) project, supported by the
> European Commission under the Key Action IV.3.3 (Free
> Software towards the Critical Mass) has started on April
> 1st and will last for 24 months up to March 2004. The
> project is coordinated by the Centro Tempo Reale in Firenze
> ( and has the following
> partners:

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