On 04 Jun 2002 03:09:47 -0600 Josh Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Wow, I was not aware of that. I thought that "sf_read_short" should only > be called for 16 bit audio, sf_read_int for 24 bit, etc.
Version 1 (ready RealSoonNow (tm) honest :-)) even does something sensible when you read say a 24 bit PCM file using the sf_read_short () function. The rule for version 1 is as follows: "whenever integer data is moved from one sized container to another sized container, the most signicant bit in the source container will become the most significant bit in the destination container." > Perhaps I > should read the manual again to see how obvious this feature of > libsndfile is in the docs. Please do. Maybe I didn't put enough emphasis on this feature in the docs. It certainly is pretty obvious if you look at the programs in the example/ directory of the distribution. Erik -- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yes it's valid) +-----------------------------------------------------------+ "Microsoft, and other companies with shoddy security, ....." -- Bruce Schneier, cryto-guru, to a US Senate committee.